Learn how to control feelings of sex

Learn how to control feelings of sex

Introduction to sexual feelings and control in human metabolism

Learn how to control feelings of sex

Learn how to control feelings of sex

Sexual feelings are an inbuilt part of each human metabolism. it is important to learn through our school and college days or someone guide us initial stage from our career. Our human nature is designed to experience these urges, thoughts, and emotions because they play a role in reproduction, intimacy, and connecting with others. However, while these feelings are normal, it’s essential to know how to manage them healthy.

Managing desires helps us keep balance in our lives. If left uncontrolled, these urges can sometimes feel overwhelming or lead to impulsive choices that may cause problems. For instance, acting on these feelings without thinking can hurt relationships, interfere with our goals, or lead to regret later.

Understand that sexual thought is very natural that we should acknowledge it and not get involved. It would be best if you dont panic about controlling or handling it. So, just be relaxed and accept the thought of your mind, feel your energy on your body, and later it will cross you without any disturbance.

Stop porn movies which leads to Masturbation. It is a kind of drug
top porn movies which leads to Masturbation. It is a kind of drug

Open Communication with You and other (Close friend or parents)    

Talking openly with your partner or parents about your problem is essential for a healthy relationship, and discussing with them to get some help to resolve your problem. It will give you some solutions, I said to my mother and diverted my thoughts initially times, and now I don't need my mother's help and could solve it alone. 

If you aren’t married how are you supposed to control feelings it should be your million-dollar question, right?

Through my part How I handle sexual thoughts through mediation experience and Part II of my life story, Please read these two pieces of content. You will understand my point of view and some tips given to all: kindly share with your father or mother they won’t judge you or make you feel ashamed. Sometimes they suggest: making yourself with some activities it can be anything like reading books and music etc., I set some goals to write a blog, then try to become a content writer so, I mean you should decide a target which is acceptable one and you will work on it

sexual movies and pornography spread through Friends, blood relatives be aware to choose the right person

 How sexual movies and pornography spread through friends, 
blood relatives be aware to choose the right person. 

How are youngsters trapped in sexual addiction without knowing it?

In our society, thoughts, desire are weird topics, if someone talks in public they think they are so interested in sex and they aren’t a good person to communicate or connect with them. So, Society doesn’t have enough knowledge when someone talks about this topic.

So, Youngsters and also over the age of 25, they trapped into this addiction because of this society; friends introduced porn movies and novelty books, and some blood relations take advantage of us. I mean if you are age 15 please be making a good friends with whom you are speaking mostly these circumstances are very crucial ones, through them sexual movies, books spread over to all.

For my scenario, through my friends, I got this habit of for watching the movie start and everything happening nowadays. I am getting normal because I came out of a lousy friend gang, and life is getting very smooth now. I will explain how we choose friends in life detail and especially if someone is addicted among your friends, please be very cautious because they aren't good enough to communicate your goals, share your normal feelings, talk about your love story, your girlfriend name and number how she is., nothing because they don't know how to respect your girlfriend.   

Society is the main reason with someone is more involved in masturbation and porn movies:

If you are human., sex is a common thing that we understand how someone is born in the world i.e., I didn’t say to please post the movie in the home, or public places and raise awareness but use some examples of cartoon pictures about sexual knowledge to the students, parents which they understand on how human anatomy is evolved, especially how women get pregnant, on the delivery time how she has gone through the problems that she faces while the child is born and then our honourable government conducted the workshop regards the importance of sex feelings why it is occurs and how to understand and guide them into good things.

If you handle sexual feelings, you shouldn't fall into Masturbation and pornography Trap.

The Government has taken steps to provide some knowledge to youngsters especially those in 9 standard to 12 standard kids because dopamine is started in the body's muscles, so dopamine is everything for human anatomy if it goes well everyone is a genius in their field, but it doesn’t happen nowadays people are so aggressive with their behavior, some people lost their lives even they fail in the public exam on the other side depression the word starts very early in youngsters, suppose these things are happened due to masturbation which consumes watch more xxx videos how we should stop!!!! I watched sexual movies since the 10th standard because of not aware of this passage, which made me very depressed, and low self-esteem and confidence and made some decisions. 

Masturbation and porn movies are interconnected if you are feeling alone, with your body and mind remember the videos that you watched so you can’t gid of it very easily. This doesn't happen overnight. It takes years of masturbation and X movies that you watched and read tempting novels. I suggest to our honorable government please provide education unless you stop, we are facing rape and molestation happening to each woman somewhere. 

People don't know "Masturbation is also one kind of drug" Below points are discussed, which is my point of view if it is done, we are living without rape, molestation. 

Key points

1.  Some examples of cartoon pictures about sexual knowledge to the students, and parents which they understand about how human anatomy is evolved.

2.  Especially how a woman gets pregnant initially and the delivery time how she has gone through the problems that she faces while the child is born.

3.  Teach how our body and mind react when sexual energy occurs.

4.  Teach sex to be a good one not to panic or condemn instead of how to use your sexual energy in a good manner.

5.  Teach healthy relationships what are physical contact and emotional contact?

6.  Don’t view if someone is weak. If you know how to handle please teach them privately.

7.  How do we understand human psychology, especially human feelings and emotions?

8.  How to respect both genders psychically and mentally?

9.  Understand the negative impacts of masturbation.

To teach basics of human anatomy to all grades of students, even provide some awareness If the above things have happened in education, I tell you there is no word like Rape, eve-teasing, body shaming, pornography movies. In my life I was trapped without knowing this: sex is a very easy feeling to cross over, because all our human cells are running with reproduction cells. I understood this line after lots of struggles on my own. The cinema celebrity or some famous person speaks about this issue  then, and many of them are easily understood but no one opens up on a public occasion. For my story: God's grace!!! I have done a lot of meditation to understand the simple things unless I would still be in the drug habit.

Yes!!! Drug means you can’t tell blindly like someone injected with getting the pleasure on your body and mind as the same manner happens when you consume more videos watching, your whole metabolism gets addicted and you can’t recover without practice or guidance.

If you are a smoker, you can say openly;
If you are an alcoholic person, you can say openly;
If you are a drug addict, you can say openly;
But you cannot tell directly or indirectly,  I have been a sexual addict or porn addict to anyone. 

If you say about this People ignore you yes. I lost some close people in my circle. So, Society leaves us at some stage and we are living alone and don’t know how to overcome it. Either government has taken some steps against porn movies or provide the classes. So, open your eyes and find out your goals to achieve them.

Actually, my point is there is no effort to learn into controlling/handling energy or desire. Just leave it is. 

Ramkumar Kannammal Kanagaraj.


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